


Mar 22, 2023

🔔 Read, Unread, and Archive Notifications
Mark notifications as read or unread to keep track of notifications that need attention.
Use the Archive feature to help ensure that your Inbox only contains unresolved notifications. Archived items can be found in the
⚙️ Personal Notifications settings
Configure email notifications and personal Slack notifications.
Go to
to enable notifications for email and Slack. Options for Slack will be configurable once integration has been enabled.
Customize when you want to receive notifications, such as when you have been invited to a dashboard or when a table that you are watching becomes outdated.
📸 Improvements to query result snapshot configurations (Admin only)
Previously, the query results of individual query editor blocks in pages were stored in Kaldea's S3 if you had enabled the feature using the "enable query snapshot" toggle after query execution.
You can now set up query results to be stored by default in
Query settings
. Supported storage destinations include Kaldea's S3 and BigQuery.
If you are an admin, go to
to enable or disable query result snapshot for your organization.
Choose storage destinations for each data source. If you choose to store it in a storage destination other than Kaldea’s S3, you must set up storage limitations.
📌 Introducing Dashboard
Create and share dashboards to allow members of your organization to easily view and analyze data in a visual format.
To create a dashboard, navigate to the section where you want to create the dashboard and click on
+ Add a dashboard
, just as you would create a page.
Add page shortcuts, textbox, or charts to the dashboard by clicking
+ Add card
. Click Save to save changes once you are done.
🐞 Fixes and improvements
  • Improved notification to alert users watching the table when table freshness is outdated.
  • [Redshift] Added query multiple statement support
  • [Redshift] Fixed a bug that was causing table sync to fail when a refresh query was added for another table
  • Improved job scheduler to run task with the updated refresh query when restarted
  • Fixed a bug that caused the query snippet save action to save the entire query statement instead of just the selected snippet
  • [Safari] Improved table preview
  • Fixed a bug where the search in the query result table was breaking the pagination UI
  • Fixed inaccurate toast message when adding an alias in the workspace
  • Improved position of dropdown when editing link blocks
  • Fixed a bug that caused the LNB interface to break when viewing a saved query